SWAKOPMUND TO WINDHOEK Things slowed down after we left Swakop as we attempted to make our way back towards Cape Town. The next couple of days were really not that interesting - just some travelling and hanging out along the route.

We weren't even sure where we would end up that day and just hit the tar road to Usakos.
Every kilometre brought back the familiar heat and suddenly the wetness of Swakopmund was long forgotten. The road sped rapidly under our wheels and we just kept going. The one town after the other blurring past.
The inevitable roadblocks signalled Windhoek's proximity and we found ourselves in the capitals quiet streets on a Saturday afternoon. Perplexing just how different the traffic is there compared to Cape Town! When the business and shops in the town centre close everybody scurries away, leaving only empty side-walks and lonely streets.
We managed to find accommodation with a pool and after lunch, it provided welcoming relief from the pressing heat. In the distance, a thunderstorm brewed - the thunder and thick clouds promising to deliver the goods shortly.
Joe's Beerhouse was as busy as could be expected and we had our most expensive meal of the trip there that evening. It has a great atmosphere (if somewhat touristy) but we didn't hang around very late - the rain was starting to come down and we had to go.
Icy drops of rain driven by the wind burned our faces as we followed the shadows back to a warm bed. It was a long day but it was good to be on the road again.
Distance for the day: 380km's